Happy Mothers Day

Happy Mothers Day

Happy Mothers Day

Happy Mother’s Day

It starts with a wedding, it seemed so simple. Years later when they thought about having children they said “we will” and thought it would be the same. Only it wasn’t. Instead of picking out pink or blue onesies they stared month after month at single pink lines on pregnancy tests.

There were tears, moments of anger and pain, They wondered what family would look like, how they will raise the child to be good human bean

Then one night she watched a special on television about foster kids who age out of the system, who are told at eighteen, “have a nice life.” And she wondered who would cheer for them at their college graduation, walk them down the aisle, rock their babies, who they would call when they lost a job or just had a bad day. “That’s not okay,” she said, “Not okay at all.

In the meantime, God showed her that she didn’t have to be a physical mother to still be a Mama. All women are mothers, she discovered, because all women bring life into the world in some way.

I conclude with the best saying of our master Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace

On the authority of Abu Hurairah, may God be pleased with him, who said: “A man came to the Messenger of God – may God bless him and grant him peace – and said: Messenger of God, who is most deserving of people in my good companionship?, He said: (Your mother), he said: Then who? He said: (Your mother), He said: Then who? He said: (Your mother), He said: Then who? He said: (Your father) agreed upon


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 Buy fabrics that are durable

If you have a choice, buy fabrics that are naturally durable and require very little car

Wash less frequently.

Try to wash your clothes as less frequently as possible, not that you should wear dirty clothes, but the more you wash them, the more they lose their quality.

Especially the use of chemicals (washing powder) that interacts with the clothes, which reduces their quality

Therefore, we recommend using catcher products because they do not interact with clothes and are free from harmful chemicals that lead to shortening the life of clothes.

Fold clothes along the seams

to avoid unwanted creases and to maintain the shape of the item.

Let everything air out

The elastic needs to relax, we always recommend spreading clothes in the air and exposing them to the sun to get rid of any chemical suspensions from washing powders

Which you will avoid when using catcher products.


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